Thursday 10 May 2012

Audience expectations from thriller

My Questionnaire

Media Questionnaire

Please circle ur answers.

1     1.  How old are you ?

   14-16     17-19     19+

2     2.  What gender are you?
          Male      Female

       3.  How often do you watch films?

   Once a week      Once a month   Everyday             Once a year        Never

4     4.  How do you watch films?   

        TV           DVD       Internet               Cinema

5      5. What type of Thriller genre do you prefer?

      Psychological     Crime    Conspiracy          Action   Sci-Fi

       6.  What do you expect to see in an opening scene ?
    Blood      Death        Action       Police       Bold titles       Main character     
     if other please state

7    7.   How long do you expect the opening sequences to be ?
     30s-1.00               1.00-1.30              1.30-2.00              If other please state

Example of a completed Questionnaire

For my questionnaire I asked 20 different so i will be able to get different ideas of what people really thing are the elements that is always found a thriller based film. The questionnaire was divided between the 3 of us. We did this so we could ask a wide variety of people. We then came together as a group to evaluate our results and we found that even though our age group were the same the most commonly used forum to watch films on was the internet. Most people liked watching the Action and Physiological thrillers. The rest of the answers were very different

Here is my analysis for questionnaire

Through this analysis I was able to work out what the expectation of audiences are considering thriller films.


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