
Our group name 
My group and I decided to call our production Company "Reservoir films". We liked this one out of the many ideas we had. It stood out because it had a ring to it and sounded more natural. The name was inspired by a poster that was posted in the classroom of a dam, we came to an agreement that reservoirs are a source of storage and allow water to be distributed to people just like films are made and then distributed 

Our Target Audience 
By looking at the pearl and dean website our group were able to develop ideas and come to a conclusion based on what we thought that our target audience should be. To gain an insight on what our target audience should be. We compared our thriller story to films of a 12A to 18 ratings. We looked at two movies Woman in black,Shutter Island & Nightmare on Elm street. We chose these three because they were all of different age rating which would help us to make a decision on what age our film should be by comparing it to them. In the end we came up with the conclusion that the film should be set as a 15, however we are still not 100% sure. 
Planning our main task 
Here are the photos of our group planning our main task. In this discussion we were deciding on our storyboard, script & the locations that we are going to film our film.

Brainstorming ideas

This is the brainstrom we made for our main task in order for us to have an final idea of what we want our film to be about. In the brainstrom we came of all can of ideas that will helps to decide we one we liked best. The brainstorm help us to be very creative and adventergous about what we want to happen in out main task.

Image of Location

This is the image of all the location in which my group filmed our film. We started from Sidcup-By-Pass, this is where we started the filming of our film. Then we later on went to the main road where the phone booth is located which is where we added our finishing touch to our film.

Prop List

This is one of the prop we use whiles we are filming our film.

This is another prop we used during filming.


Character 1 - Protagonist 
Character 2 - Antagonist 

         Scene 1 - Outdoor - secluded area - natural lighting

Character 1: emerges from the street appearing distressed and screaming. 
*Falls & hurts self*

           *enter masked antagonist* 
Character 2: is seen turning the corner and walking slowly

Character 2: is seen walking behind the protagonist at a slow pace 

Character 2: running down hill, still screaming 

  Scene 2 - Outdoor - phone booth - natural lighting  

*Enter Character 1* runs to phone booth in a panic. 

Picks up the phone & dials number.

 *screaming franticly down the phone* 
Character 1 : Hello.. hello. pleassee SOMEBODY HELP ME

Character one then slides slowly to the grown with hands on head.

*The phone drops and dialling tone sounds*

Character 2:  appears from outside the phone booth
Then walks over to the phone booth. 

Gets closer to the phone booth *head shot* 

The scene ends


For the opening scene of our thriller film we used two costumes, one for each of the two characters.The costumes had equal input from our group. We settled on a casual put together look for the female being chased and an all black costume for the masked character.

We chose to go for a black wardrobe and a white mask because of movies which usually have a mysterious character. By concealing the masked characters face enigmas are built up by the audience as to who can this character be? 

Costume Planning

This is the black trousers that the antagonist wore during the filming.

This is the shoe worn by the antagonist during the filming.

This is worn during the filming by the antagonist.

This mask was worn by the antagonist to protect and hide her face from the protagonist during the filming.

This is the similar jacket worn by the protagonist during the filming. I couldn't provide the actual jacket worn by the protagonist due to some technical difficulties. Therefore, I have to look for an alternative image that represent the same jacket.

This is the similar skinny jeans worn by the protagonist during the filming. I couldn't provide the actual skinny jeans worn by the protagonist due to some technical difficulties. Therefore, I have to look for an alternative image that represent the same skinny jeans.

This is the similar shoe worn by the protagonist during the filming. I couldn't provide the actual shoe worn by the protagonist due to some technical difficulties. Therefore, I have to look for an alternative image that represent the same shoe.

Filming schedule for main task

Date: 22nd of April 2012

Time: 6.30 pm

Location: Sidcup-by-pass and Main Road

This our filming schedule for our main task. We have decide to make the timing in which we are filming late due to all of us having important things to do and this our only free time.  Also as it help sets the scene for our film and the nature of the theme we are trying to portray as a team. We decide on the location at which to film our film so that it’s easier for all of us to get and get home in a responsible time. With the filming schedule we were able to bring to live the ideas that we have created for the opening of our film. With the schedule we was all able to work together to get our ideas created into a good opening, with the schedule we were able to do what we need to do to ensure that what we wanted to do in our  film is done to the best of our abilities.

Editing schedule for main task
Date: 23rd of April to the 9th on May
Location: Christ the King ST’Marys Sidcup
Time: The time in which we decide to edit varies on the different days that we are editing. The editing could happen when we have our media lessons in the different days.
Time for editing during media lessons

Monday: 8.50:1020am

Wednesday: 12.10pm – 13.40pm

Friday: 10.40am -12.10pm

Although in some of our media lessons we do not have access to the mark as other lesson are taking place in the our usual media lesson, therefore we as a group make alternative times in which we know that the room will be free and come together and work as a time to edit our film so we can make to the best of our abilities.

Other times outside the lesson for editing

Time outside class: 2.30pm to 5.00pm or 5.45pm

This time applies to all the days we took to edit our time. As we all have other things to do , at least one of us will be in the room editing whilst the other attention to the necessary things that they need to do and come along later together to see what else can be done and make any changes required of to make to the film in order to make the actual way we planned and hope it would be. We all made this time flexible for us all so if  we had any family issues we  work together and do our best to ensure that the other are in the position in which they can handle the work whilst the other go to where they need to go. Which show how well we all work together as a team as we was able to work around time for each and ensure that we are on top of other subjects as well as the task we have at hand for our media coursework.
This really helped all of us, because we was able to sure our different ideas and work together as a team to apply those ideas to our film. Working together as a team to ensure that everything is done in the way we will all be happy and satisfied with the end result.

Understand Editing Software

Me and my Group member filmed out preliminary task, we edited our footage so we can get rid of the rough edges around our shots. I used final cut pro 7 to helps with this. this software allows us to make so many change to our shots which made a lot of differences to the shots we originally had, it allowed to enhance of things that we wanted to enhance on.

This youtube video helps teach people how to use final cut pro 7 which what we did when we was making changes to outs preliminary task. The videos show full explanation of the ways that final cut pro work, it helps beginners like me to gain a quick understanding on the ways that it work.

using final cur pro allows me group to gain knowledge on the ways that we will use to when we are editing our opening thriller film, it helps use  to learn the different techniques that we could use to make sure that out opening is up to standard is is exactly what we want it to be and more. Having the opportunity to use final cut pro also help me as an individual, because it allows me to become more creative and advantageous with the style of things that I make will make my film excitement and great to look at.


Health and safety information for the main task

As the lactation where we have set our film to be film is near the motorway in Sidcup/chesthurts road we had to make some health and safety check to make sure that every think is in check.
1.      The safety of the characters

Firstly we had to ensure that the members team that are filming are adjust in the position that will not course any danger what so ever. We ensure that the filming of the film doesn’t entitle us to make any concentration with the road or passing passengers in the main road so that nothing bad happens to them and us. Another  healthy and safety that was required for us to ensure that thing was up to stand, was that one of the actress wasn’t like being in tight space and as she was the protagiont wearing the mark , we had to ensure that she does keep the mark on for too long so she doesn’t start to film sick or unconscious. Therefore scene where are mark are not required we ensured that she didn’t wear and scene that does require her wearing a mark , we ensure that the period of time in which she had it on wasn’t too long to avoid any complications.

2.      The safety of the public
For the safety of the public we ensure that we wasn’t in the way of any passing people on the pavement, ensure we wasn’t in the way of any passing camera, so there was no accidents made. We ensure that we ensure that no member of the public appeared in any of our shots as it’s legal to film directly at people without their contents. Therefore we was careful where was shooting, this also alter the day at which we decide to film, so we can avoid any of this problems.
3.      The safety of our property whilst filming

As we was filming in more public place, we need to ensure that our personal belongs are placed in places where we can see them whilst we were filming. We need to ensure this so that nothing that belongs to us goes missing, so we all decide to places all of our belong together in a place we can see it whilst we are filming out film.
Alterations made for the main task

One of the member of our group- Group 6,Theresa has decide to work on her own as she felt she can work better independently.  This left the group with just three members me, Nikkie, Estie, we all decide we are going to work together to do our best in making our main task very good and presentable. We all allocated different role for each other in other to make things work for all of us as a group. We work very well as a team, as we have shared responsibility  in the group.