Thursday 10 May 2012

Editing schedule for main task

Editing schedule for main task

Date: 23rd of April to the 9th on May

Location: Christ the King ST’Marys Sidcup

Time: The time in which we decide to edit varies on the different days that we are editing. The editing could happen when we have our media lessons in the different days.

Time for editing during media lessons

Monday: 8.50:1020am

Wednesday: 12.10pm – 13.40pm

Friday: 10.40am -12.10pm

Although in some of our media lessons we do not have access to the mark as other lesson are taking place in the our usual media lesson, therefore we as a group make alternative times in which we know that the room will be free and come together and work as a time to edit our film so we can make to the best of our abilities.

Other times outside the lesson for editing

Time outside class: 2.30pm to 5.00pm or 5.45pm

This time applies to all the days we took to edit our time. As we all have other things to do , at least one of us will be in the room editing whilst the other attention to the necessary things that they need to do and come along later together to see what else can be done and make any changes required of to make to the film in order to make the actual way we planned and hope it would be. We all made this time flexible for us all so if  we had any family issues we  work together and do our best to ensure that the other are in the position in which they can handle the work whilst the other go to where they need to go. Which show how well we all work together as a team as we was able to work around time for each and ensure that we are on top of other subjects as well as the task we have at hand for our media coursework.

This really helped all of us, because we was able to sure our different ideas and work together as a team to apply those ideas to our film. Working together as a team to ensure that everything is done in the way we will all be happy and satisfied with the end result.

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