Preliminary Task

Through the experience of creating our preliminary task we have work well as a team and gain knowledge on new skills that we can all share together. Through the experience of our prelim we learnt how to use final cut-pro very will, which will help us in our main task, because the knowledge we have will allow us to be creative with the presentation of our final outcome of our work. Through the preliminary we was able to work the strength of each member of our team and build a stable relationship that allows us to work together to get our main task done to the best of our abilities.


Preliminary Task

The group members of the preliminary

The members of the group was chosen by my media teacher, it all in mix of different people so that everyone in the class can get to know one another and learn new skill from each other and develop our team work skills.

She allocated every group a group name , the group number for my group is Group 6

Members of group 6 contains

  • Nurat Aina-Saliu
  • Estie Nara 
  • Nikkie Ojo
  • Theresa Maria Lee Donald

The elements that must be shown in the prelim video

  • Dialogue
  • Match -on-match action
  • Natural Editing
  • Shot reverse shot

Role of members of the group

  • Nurat-Camera Lady
  • Nikkie-Actress
  • Estie-Actress
  • Theresa- Editor/Assistance camera lady



This another props that we used duing our filming


What is film script
A film script is the blueprint for the visual telling of a story. It is about an individual or a group in a place doing their thing.  A film script is a linear structure that is made up of many parts: action, characters, music, visual imagery etc. All of the parts make up the whole. A script is written as a guideline for actors/actress that are taking part in the film or play, so they know what they are say and the stage directions of their character. Also it inform them about the camera shots and where the other characters are and what they need to do to together to make the play or the film the best that it can be.  The script also tells the main story line of the scene that is been played at the time or place.
This an example of what a script that is written for a play or film

The script written for my groups preliminary task

The doctor entre through the door

Female (Doctor): Mrs.James how are you?

Female (Mrs.james): Dnt worry about how i am hows my baby?

Doctor: I am affair their some bad new...

Mrs.james: Ohh noo my baby.........

What is a storyboard

Storyboards are graphic organizers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion pictureanimationmotion graphic or interactive media sequence. A storyboard is used so the director and actor/actress know what the story is supporse to look like so they can have the image on the ways that they need to act and present the parts that are being presented in the storyboard.  Storyboard enhance the the actions that should be played by the character whilst acting out the part that they have allocated. That why many film directors use a stroyboard to help them shows their actors/actress what they have to do , so it save time and money.

Example of a storyboard


My storyboard  for my prelim

Setting Location  for the Preliminary task

This is the corridor the group started filming the prelim. This location is in our college Christ The King St'Marys in the media room area.

This is the entrance of the classroom where my group filmed the prelim video

Editing Schedule for Preliminary Task

On Friday the 30th of march my group, group 6 edited our preliminary task. As I wasn't pretent on the day that the filming took place, because I had to go on a trip with a member of staff in the school I had to help majorly in the editing of the filming. our media Friday lesson start at  10.40 so this how we spent our time editing our preliminary.

10:50: We found the hard-drive that working with the computer that our media teacher based us on. ( hard-drive 6 precisely)

11.00: We inserted all of the footage that my grouped filmed into final cut pro and started to drag them into the timeline

11:05: After draging the images into the time line, we started to open the images separately so we can view the footages.

11:15: Me and my group member has identified parts in which we need to cut and editing

11:17: I start to cut out footage that we do not need and and blind and place them with the others that will work well with the other footage.

11:20: After editing and making change to our footages we saved our work and carried on with out lesson.

Doing that allows me and my team to work together as a team and make out work look as great as we wanted it to be and it also allows us share our different ideas, we will help us in the future when we are editing our opening thriller film.

Understand Editing Software

Me and my Group member filmed out preliminary task, we edited our footage so we can get rid of the rough edges around our shots. I used final cut pro 7 to helps with this. this software allows us to make so many change to our shots which made a lot of differences to the shots we originally had, it allowed to enhance of things that we wanted to enhance on.

This youtube video helps teach people how to use final cut pro 7 which what we did when we was making changes to outs preliminary task. The videos show full explanation of the ways that final cut pro work, it helps beginners like me to gain a quick understanding on the ways that it work.

Using final cut pro allows me and my group to gain knowledge on the ways that we will use to when we are editing our opening thriller film, it helps use to learn the different techniques that we could use to make sure that out opening is up to standard is is exactly what we want it to be and more. Having the opportunity to use final cut pro also help me as an individual, because it allows me to become more creative and advantageous with the style of things that I make will make my film excitement and great to look at.
