Thursday 10 May 2012

Understanding editing software

Understand Editing Software

Me and my Group member filmed out preliminary task, we edited our footage so we can get rid of the rough edges around our shots. I used final cut pro 7 to helps with this. this software allows us to make so many change to our shots which made a lot of differences to the shots we originally had, it allowed to enhance of things that we wanted to enhance on.

This youtube video helps teach people how to use final cut pro 7 which what we did when we was making changes to outs preliminary task. The videos show full explanation of the ways that final cut pro work, it helps beginners like me to gain a quick understanding on the ways that it work.

using final cur pro allows me group to gain knowledge on the ways that we will use to when we are editing our opening thriller film, it helps use  to learn the different techniques that we could use to make sure that out opening is up to standard is is exactly what we want it to be and more. Having the opportunity to use final cut pro also help me as an individual, because it allows me to become more creative and advantageous with the style of things that I make will make my film excitement and great to look at.


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