Wednesday 25 April 2012

Children Of the Men

Who is being represented in the opening scene? How are they represented? Is this positive or negative? 
    The opening scene of the children of the men , presents and shows some of the character that are featured in the film. however the camera is focused more on Clive Owen who played Thoe Furon in the film as it clear that he is one of the main characters in the film. He is being presented and portrayed as a drinker as it shows him putting alcohol into the coffee that he purchased at the cafe.  this presents him in negative light in front of the audience as they start to gain their own enigmas on the sort of person he is and find ideas to why he might be drinking so much. in additionally the other characters that was presented in the opening scene give the audience the indication that something is happening , as it shows many people standing and watching the news in a local cafe with very worried and terrified facial expression , this creates tension and suspense for the audience it make the enigmas that they have much stronger than before. This presents them in a positive light as they all look like normal everyday business people, there was also police men in the place , which gives an clear indication that the people present in that building where normal everyday business positive people, who had to stop in their tracks to hear what was going on in the country and world to ensure for their safety. This create tension and fear as they watch the cafe that had the normal everyday people get blown up, this create a negative mind-frame as to what what going on and what that happened. 

      What titles for each opening look like? Do they symbolise the thriller genre?
       The title was simple and normal , however the way in which it was presented at the end of the opening scene creates enigmas for audience as they will be curious to know and gain an understand to what the title mean and the indication that it has within certainly created questions in my mid as I wanted to know what the title of the film meant and what the title has to do with what was happening in the film. the title symbolise peace and harmony with the words that have being presented in the title. 
    Analyse the camera, sound, editing and mise-en-scène. How do these technical areas make you aware that this is the thriller genre?
    The non-deictic sound that was playing in the background as the company titles came on the screen created tension and suspense with the audience as they will want to know what the source of the sound is coming from and what was going on. the enigmas is then set in the mind of the audience as they all have different ideas as to what is going on in the film or what is about to happen in the film. the camera shots from different angles sets the scene in the opening. it all helps to illustrate what was helping in the film. The mise -en-scene the opening title help to set the locations , the costumes and the types of characters that are going to be in the film. all the technical areas allows the audiences to be aware of the type of genre the film is . 

        Does the narrative in the opening correspond to the conventions of a thriller film? How? 
   The narrative that has been presented in the opening title of the children of the men co-response to the conventions of a thriller film, because their was a sense of death, fear and tension build all at once in the opening. Sets the thriller mind frame form the being to the end of the opening scene.

         What do you think might happen in the rest of the film? Give a brief suggestion of the narrative.

    From the opening of the children of the mean it is clear that the film has element of upcoming troubles, death, sorrow and pain. However it also hold the indication that some wonderful and fulfilling is going to happen.

      Which production company was the film made by? How might this affect the film content?

   The film is made and produced by the universal studios. also by hit and run production and strike entertainment. all the company listed are companies that are well known for their great works with other mega movies. This affect the content of the film as it give massive fan to go out and watch the movie quickly and straight away.  

        Time Line 

     13 secs universal studio 
26 secs Produced By: Strike Entertainment
30 secs Produced By: Hit and Run Productions
34 secs Universal Pictures
40 secs Film Star: Michael Caine
44 secs Film Star: Chiwetel Ejiofor
49 secs Film Star: Julianne Moore
50 secs Film Star: Danny Huston
54 secs Film Star: Tehmina Sunny
56 secs Film Star: Peter Mullan
59 secs Film Star: Pam Ferris
1.00 secs Film Star: Clare-Hope Ashitey
1.02 secs Film Star: Kim Fenton
1.05 secs Film Star: Michael Klesic
1.07 secs Film Star: Juan Gabriel Yacuzzi
1.09 secs Film Star: Clive Owen
1.12 secs Film Star: ED Westwick
1.16 secs Based on a Novel By P.D. James
1.20 secs Directed By Alfonso Cuaron
1.20 secs Directed By Alfonso Cuaron 

Opening of children of the men 

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