Saturday 28 April 2012

DVD or Poster Analysis

My bloody valentine 3D is a horror thriller film, the image of the masked men takes over the all of the spaces, as they are the main of the film. The props that is been shown indeciates danger and sets the enigmas of the style of film it is. The title is in bold read letter , which also indecaites danger, because the colour red can be assocaited with danger, the film been in 3D means that the audience will be able to see every detail of the iamges that is happeninmg in the film. The word 3D is in arsh grey colour that looks like it has been created from an still image fom the film.

The names od the actors/actresses are wrtten at the bottom of the image so the image can be the main focus of the poster, so it can get the atttention of audience a`s that is the first thing that they will see , even before the realses date of the film, which is also written  in red colour to match with the colour of the title of the film. the font size of the realse date is bigger than the front size of the anmes of the actors/actresses in the film. It also shows the production companies for the film , but also in small writting as the images is the mean focus of the poster.

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