Wednesday 25 April 2012

Tile Sequence Analysis (Juno)

State the production and distribution companies. How are they introduced? What purpose do  they serve at the
start of a film?
Production and Distribution Companies:
  • Fox searchlight pictures
  • A Mandate Pictures
  • Mr.Mudd production
  • A Jason Reithman Film
These are the production and distribution companies that has being represented at the start of the opening credit of Juno. They was introduced as an unconventional title, because the name of the production and distribution companies were over the moving image.  These companies are presented at the start of the movie so that audiences know who the film is made by so they will be aware of what to expect if the film is by a production or distribution company that they are familiar with. 
List the information that is included in the title sequence ( the time line)
  • Fox searchlight pictures 20sec
  • A Mandate Pictures 20sec
  • Mr.Mudd production 20sec
  • A Jason Reithman Film 20sec
  • Juno (Title) 30 sec
  • Ellen Page (43 sec and onwad with the chahrartcters)
  • Michael Cera 
  • Jennifer Gender 
  • Jason Bateman  
  • Allison Janney 
  • J.k. Simmons 
  • Olivia Thirdlby 
  • Mindy Marin and Kara Lipson ( casting) 1.17
  • Monique Prudhomme ( Costume Desginer) 1.22
  • Mateo Messina ( Music) (1.27 and onward)
  • Kimya Dawson ( Songs)
  • Peter Afterman and Marcaret ( music Supervior)
  • Jim Miller, Kelli Konop and Brad Van Arracom ( co -propducers) 1.40
  • Dane E. Gladuberman ( film editor) 1.45
  • Steve Saklad (production designer) 1.50
  • Eric Stellberg (director of  photography )1.55
  • Joe Drake , Nathan Kanane and Daniel Dubiecki ( executive producer) 2.00
  • lianne Halfon, John  Malkovic Mason Movick and Russel smith (producer) 2.05
  • diablo cody (writer) 2.10
  • jason Reitman  ( director) 2.19 
This the opening credit of Juno 


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