Who is being represented in the opening scene? How are they represented? Is this positive or negative?
The opening scene of panic room shows a normal business women Jodie foster ( Meg Altman ) and her daughter Kristen Stewart (Sarah) just moving in and settling to their new home. Where one night everything change , when three armed robber broken into their home thinking that their was no1 in the house, whilst Meg and Sarah was asleep. The opening scene presents Meg and Sarah as positive people as they were the victims presented in the film , as they try their every best to protect themselves and survive. Whereas the armed robbers where presented in a negative light as they where heartless criminal that wont stop at anything to get what they want to get from the house, even if it involves killing the mother and the daughter.
What titles for each opening look like? Do they symbolise the thriller genre?
Which production company was the film made by? How might this affect the film content?
The opening title for panic opening looks very creative, modern and classy. This subvert the audience from the actually meaning of the title which does symbolise that the film is of any thriller themed. The opening doesn't show any form of thriller conventions as the titles where presented very natural creative way , which subvert the audience for the any negative enigmas , considering the title of the film.
Analyse the camera, sound, editing and mise-en-scène. How do these technical areas make you aware that this is the thriller genre?
The different types of camera shots of the city creates awareness of the location where the film is basedin. However the non-diegtic sounds does create the theme of a thriller genre, because of the pace of the sounds and the sort of sound that is been used to presents the titles for the film. The editing of putting the title within the mise-en-scene images in the title sequences doesn't present the thriller genre whatsoever. This subvert the audience from the meaning of the title and the title of the film.
The different types of camera shots of the city creates awareness of the location where the film is basedin. However the non-diegtic sounds does create the theme of a thriller genre, because of the pace of the sounds and the sort of sound that is been used to presents the titles for the film. The editing of putting the title within the mise-en-scene images in the title sequences doesn't present the thriller genre whatsoever. This subvert the audience from the meaning of the title and the title of the film.
Which production company was the film made by? How might this affect the film content?
The production company that panic room is made by is columbia pictures, with the support of other
production company like A hofflund/polone production and Inderible pictures. The production copmpanies that the film is made by has an affect of the way that people will react to the film, as yhe film is made by one of the world's best production company columbia pictures which makes many of the films that are about, will drive people to want to go and watch the film as it is likely that is has made a film is happens to be their favourite , therefote it will drive them to wnat go and try if the new film made by cmlubia pictures could be part of their collections of good movies that they have watched which was made by columbia.
What do you think might happen in the rest of the film? Give a brief suggestion of the narrative?
From the opening scense of panic room , I can tell that something bad is goiong to happen in the house.There will be death,injury and arrests, they will be so much tension. It shows me that the mother will do anything to make sire that her and her daughter survive so they is going to be vioclence. Also it shows me that there only going be one surviver, it creates enigmas for me as i want to find out who will win the battle.
13 secsColumbia Studios
Opening scene of Panic Room
What do you think might happen in the rest of the film? Give a brief suggestion of the narrative?
From the opening scense of panic room , I can tell that something bad is goiong to happen in the house.There will be death,injury and arrests, they will be so much tension. It shows me that the mother will do anything to make sire that her and her daughter survive so they is going to be vioclence. Also it shows me that there only going be one surviver, it creates enigmas for me as i want to find out who will win the battle.
13 secs
24 secs Columbia Pictures
28 secs Produced By: A Hofflund/Polone Productions
30 secs AN Indelible Pictures
35 secs Film Star: Jodie Foster
40 secs Film Star: Forest Whitaker
42 secs Film Star: Dwight Yoakam
46 secs Film Star: Jared Leto
57 secs Film Star: Kristen Stewart
1.02 secs Film Star: Anne Magnuson
1.02 secs Film Star: Ian Buchanan
1.05 secs Film Star: Patrick Bauchau
1.05 secs Film Star: Paul Schulze
1.09 secs Casting By: Laray Mayfield
1.05 secs Film Star: Michael Klesic
1.14 secs Costume Designer: Michael Kaplan
1.17 secs Music By: Howard Shore
1.21 secs Film Editors: James Editor
1.21 secs Film Editors: Angus Wall
1.26 secs Production Designer: Arthur Max
1.30 secs Directed of Photography: Conrad W.Hall
1.30 secs Directed of Photography: Darius Khondji
1.34 secs Produced By: Gavin Polone
1.34 secs Produced By: Judy Hofflund
1.34 secs Produced By: David Koepp
1.34 secs Produced By: Cean Chaffin
1.39 secs Written By: David Koepp
1.39 secs Directed By: David Fincher Opening scene of Panic Room
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