Saturday 28 April 2012

Typical Sypnosis of Thriller

Typical thriller sypnosis follws a usual narrative structure within the different types of thriller

Crime Thriller
The usual synopsis focuses on a criminal or policeman. They focus on the crime that’s going to be committed or has already been committed. Similarly they usually emphasize action over psychological aspects. The main topics within a crime thriller are; serial killers murderers or robberies. An example of crime thrillers are The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo directed by David Fincher

Psychological thriller

The synopsis usually involves the main character battling with himself  in the sense that they are  in conflict with an mental illness or strong emotional feelings. These types of thriller are usually intense, on edge and gripping. Some examples of psychological thrillers is American Psycho Dirceted by Mary Harron

Conspiracy Thriller

Usually involves amateur journalists or reporters who usually by accident stumble on something. The more they look into it the deeper they get into conspiracy. They have to look past the lies and mystery to unravel the truth. An example of a conspiracy thriller is Most Wanted Directed by David Hogan

Sci- Fi Thriller

Usually involves an extra terrestrial being coming to earth and facing many obstacles. Then usually theyre looking for a away back home. This type of thriller usually ends in the beings returning to their homer planet. An example of a sci-fi thriller is Star wars Directed By George Lucas 

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