Wednesday 25 April 2012


   Who is being represented in the opening scene? How are they represented? Is this positive or negative?
     The start of the opening of jaw , it shows a group of teenagers laying around having fun on a beach, drinking and smoking. this presents them in a negative way, because it shows them as young irresponsible teens that are  out by themselves in the middle of the night on the beach that is likely to be broken into. which leads on to the death of one of the teenagers death. this presents Chrissie in a negative light as her stupidity and fun cost her her life , however it also creates sympathy for her  as she has just disappeared from the sea. The start does show the shark, therefore it creates enigmas for the accidence as they wonder what was pulling and has taking her away. this alerts the audiences that there is danger and creates an enigmas which makes them wonder how everything is going to play out and who will survive. 
    What titles for each opening look like? Do they symbolise the thriller genre?
      The opening title of jaw a simple easy to understand title. Through the music and sounds played audiences can get signs that the film is a thriller based film. It allows the audiences to feel tense , ready and set for the film that they are about to watch. the opening title make audiences jump out of their sits as all the events unfolds. This all symbolise the thriller genre in the film as the audience can see that the antagonist is in trouble and their wasn't no specific protagonist that lead to the death of the antagonist but at the end of the day there was death . This creates enigmas for the audience as it makes them thinks of the killing is taking place if there no specific protagonist. 

    Analyse the camera, sound, editing and mise-en-scène. How do these technical areas make you aware that this is the thriller genre? 
       The non-dietetic and dietetic sounds that was presented in the opening help to create tensile and enigmas to the audiences minds at first start of everything. the camera shots taken for the film helps audience to gain a real feel of the scene. the mise-en-scene of  the opening scene of jaw sets the location.

    Which production company was the film made by? How might this affect the film content?
      The film produced by universal studios, which makes the content of this film important, as many people are familiar with the sort of work that they create. it is known for making on of the greats film about in the world. this would a drive of commitment of the film to the audience as it creates enigmas of what is about to happens and how it would happen.

      Time Line  

       10 secs Universal Pictures
23 secs Produced by: Richard D. Zanuck & David Brown
27 secs Film Star: Robert Shaw
28 secs Film Star: Roy Schieder
29 secs Film Star: Richard Dreyfuss
39 secs Film Star: Lorraine Gray
45 secs Film Star: Murry Hamilton
46 secs Film Star: Carl Gottlieb
46 secs Film Star: Jeffery C. Kramer
46 secs Film Star: Susan Backlinie
54 secs Music by: John Williams
1.01 secs Director of Photography: Bill Butler
1.08 secs Screenplay by: Carl Gotlieb
1.08 secs Screenplay – Based on a novel by: Peter Benchley
1.20 secs Directed by Steven Spielberg

       The opening of JAW

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